Loc. Su Catreattu snc, S.S. 125 Km 231
08028 Orosei (NU)
Sardegna (Italy)
Info Line

fr uk it ge +39 349 5983533 Bruce

it ge +39 338 9479980 Franco

Orosei is a small and colourful town on the east coast of Sardinia. It is easily reached by a short drive from the "Costa Smeralda International Airport" or the port of Olbia. As you approach Orosei you will be met by an impressive panorama: the small town nestles between two mountain plateaus and the tyrrhenian sea, in the valley of the Cedrino River. The sandy beach extends for about 14 km and is lined with pine trees and typically mediterranean flora, where you can sunbathe and relax in privacy.
Further south the Golfo di Orosei expands into one of the most beautiful rocky coastlines in the mediterranean.
Here, guided by the Dive Leaders from the Orosei Diving Center you can explore its marvellous sea bed and be accompanied to visit dive sites at varying depths to see fascinating submarine flora and fauna.

Wrack kt 12 Orosei
Grongo al kt12

The mild climate, temperate during winter, warm and ventilated in summer, permits diving all year long. So why not combine a diving holiday with folkloristic events such as the procession of "Santa Maria 'e mare", along the Cedrino river on the last Sunday in May, or the "Novenia del Rimedio", a religious event of religious and folkloristic interest held the first fortnight in September. Throughout the summer the local tourist board organises festivals, concerts and exhibitions of local art. You will be impressed by the local food and wines in the family run restaurants. Last but not least Orosei has an attractive town centre, with historical monuments dating back to the 13th century, old houses with hidden internal gardens and courtyards, and friendly inhabitants.Within a 40 km radius there are numerous other small villages worth visiting for their folklore and local products.
The surrounding countryside also offers interesting hillside and mountain trekking for the more adventurous travellers.

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